Monday, May 23, 2011

Time Warp Again

I've been at home a week. I've read a few books, done some writing, some revising. My writing buddy cheered me on last night while I cut dialogue from the MS I'm about to query, and helped me work through a scene that wasn't working quite right. I'm really proud of it now.

My final box from school came the other day, and so my "inspiration books" are piled on my bedside table. These are the books I currently aspire to the most. Revolution, Lock and Key, The Splendor Falls, Anna and the French Kiss, Neil Gaiman's two volumes of short stories and a paperback T.S. Eliot collection. There are more I had to leave at school, but these are the mainstays.

It's so weird how coming home feels like slipping back in time. Writing in my bedroom until all hours, sitting downstairs and drinking coffee with Mom. All so normal, nothing changed.

But I hope something changes this summer. I'm hoping to send out queries starting in June. Then again, I've queried from this room before, late summer nights spent typing "Dear Agent..."

But if this summer isn't the success story, I'm so much better prepared than I ever was before, and that's only going to keep building. So the summer won't be a waste, no matter what.

Don't forget! I'm giving away a copy of The Splendor Falls at this post!