Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I suppose as a writer I should get used to the state of Not Knowing. Of waiting for an email that can determine my entire future. I should accept and do what I can do in the meantime.

But I have to tell you.

This sucks.

It's not really writing-related. I'm waiting to find out if I have an internship that will put me in New York all summer, or not in which case I'll be home. Either option is okay with me, truthfully. I want NYC, but I miss home. The thing is, without knowing I can't plan two weeks ahead of now. And a lot of other things are in limbo too:

  • My query and my final paper abstract are with my writing professor
  • I'm going steadily on my WIP but I'm a night-writer
  • The book I'm currently reading you really need to sit down and focus on (ask me about my focusing skills...
  • My dad is proofing the paper I'm submitting to an anthology in July.
  • The fandom projects I have going can't be worked on until the season finale.
  • One can only watch so much Buffy in a day (that's a lie)

It's all a lot of in-between. And as soon as time passes and emails are received it'll be hit-the-ground running. I'm trying to enjoy the downtime, and definitely remembering to start the next book once I'm in the querying process, because if I don't have something else to focus on then I'll go nuts.