Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Book Musings Don't Breathe a Word (+Trailer Launch!)

Last weekend one of my library books was Don't Breathe a Word by Holly Cupala.

I loved Tell Me a Secret, so I couldn't work to dive into her newest book.

I wasn't disappointed. Cupala's praise is incredible, and the situation her main character is in--living on the streets--is depicted in a very believable way. Some reviews have said they couldn't relate to Triste (nee Joy), because of her decision to live on the streets, but for me her Asthma was a way in. I found myself wonder what I'd do, how I'd get my medical supplies if something like that happened in my life.

But Triste isn't defined by her asthma. She has fierce loyalty and drive that both spark her adventure and keep it going.

The book surprised me in several places, and kept me reading to see how Cupala would end it. The ending works, I'll put it that way. I wasn't disappointed.

And I'm proud to be part of the blog tour announcing the new trailer for the book, which is embedded below. And you can be a part of it too! See how below!


Embed Code:
<iframe width="450" height="253" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/uP61zlerel8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Five Grand Prizes:
Signed copies of Don’t Breathe a Word, Tell Me a Secret, the TMAS special edition audiobook, bookmarks, stickers, and other swag*
Ten Runner-Up Prizes:
Don’t Breathe a Word flyers, bookmarks, stickers, and a TMAS button*
Plus the first forty people who buy the book at this link between now and Valentine’s Day get DBAW bookmarks, stickers, and undying book love from me!*
*Must include mailing address with entry. (US + up to 20% international winners)

1. Click here to go to the DBAW trailer link, then click the Share button to send to your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, MySpace, blog, or other social network. 5 pts each
2. Buy the book at this link for more chances to win (include in your entry below)!


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