Wednesday, June 15, 2011

RTW: Taglines

Today's Road Trip Wednesday over at YA Highway is:

This Week's Topic:

You're re-reading one of your favs when someone asks the dreaded question: "What's that book about?" Give us your best off-the-cuff blurb of any book, any genre, and have your readers try to guess the title in the comments!
Well, this high school chick gets her first period in the gym showers and totally freaks. Her classmates pretend to like her, then humiliate her at the prom by dumping pig blood on her head, so she kills them all by using her telekinetic powers and burning down the school.

My attempt at this will come from one of my favorite YA novels!

This girl who spends her life practically raising her mom ends up at her sister's place her senior year of high school and has to figure out what a family is. Clue: It's not whatever the hell goes on at her next-door neighbor's house, no matter how goody-goody he seems.

Guess in the comments.

Also, my 300th post will be on Friday and as celebration the book giveaway for June will commence!