Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Five

1. Today is my undergrad's homecoming. It's three weeks earlier than last year, when it was on my 21st birthday. My stories from undergrad are all long and ridiculous and involve stupid things and bad timing, like turning 21 on a bus because we stalled going to the dance itself. I miss those nights.

2. I read Across the Universe today. Not going to review it, because it's over all not my thing/genre. I liked it, but it reminded me of KA Applegate's Remnants which probably no one but me read and which was a ton more creepy (it's possible, I swear). I suppose I get the buzz around the book, it was good, but there are other new YA books I might have buzzed more. I am not an editor.

3. My writing group (all three of us) took a field trip today to Brookline Booksmiths. They endeared themselves to me by having all my current favorite YA books from Revolution to Anna and the French Kiss on their shelves. Gotta love an indie that knows what to stock. Then again, two people working there while we were there either go or went to Simmons. Represent.

4. I've been hanging out at the Absolute Write Water Cooler lately. Trying to meet more people, do more things. In a real-life vein I'm also trying to Do Things With My Life, which is not so easy with three classes, but hopefully will be worth it. Most of my preferred activities are solitary, and the concerts I would see A. cost money and B. are at House of Blues, where I was traumatized last year. But my classmates are fun to hang out with, so that helps.

5. I have not yet died on the snow. You will get tired of me saying this long before I tire of saying it.

5a. This


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