Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Five

1. I think I'm appreciating things so much more this Christmas. I'm home with my incredibly loving family. My best friend is in the other room playing the piano. Little Brother is beyond excited about what Santa is bringing him. I know I'll get things I need, my mom is good at that. Things are looking up for the new year, and visions of stories are dancing in my head. It's an exciting time.

2. I've got a handle on things I want to do in the future, where I want to be. I may not know exactly how to get there, but I'll figure it out. Things look sweet, whatever the trail that gets me there. I imagine there will be hardships. You don't have years worth of student loans without them, but at least I'm not an unemployed attorney like the guy I read about in the Huffington Post. Someone always has it worse.

3. We're going to church tonight. I wasn't sure that I was going to go, because my legs are still recovering, but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get shoes on for a few hours. Christmas Eve candlelight at my church is my favorite part of the day. It's an older church, with gorgeous stained glass, and singing Silent Night with the candles lit is magical. I would have regretted missing it. I hate regrets.

4. Exposing Marla to The Dresden Dolls at the moment, with "Delilah", but for you all I have this that she put up last night, featuring the gorgeous Cassandra Long

5. Okay, really, know what? Since when is it Christmas Eve? Where did the time go? I sat in front of the tree last night, on my own in the dark. It was the last time I'll be able to do that, with all the presents piled under. I love capturing those little moments in this season. I'm not ready to give them up. Maybe that's why we write, to keep grasping those little moments.

Merry Christmas to all.


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