2. Got a rejection on a full MS this week. This is a subjective business. It's okay! I want someone who loves the book. I just hope someone will.
3. Yesterday, I had a very disappointing experience at the bookstore nearest me. It's an off-shoot of the Harvard Co-op, a store co-owned by Harvard and MIT, which is basically just a Barnes and Noble. The one I went to is there to provide texts for Harvard Med, but also has a decent children's/YA section thanks to the nearby Children's Hospital, Boston Latin School and (judging by some of the titles) my program.
They did not have a single book I wanted. I went in wanting to spend $20 on a book and the failed me. Bah. I ordered two from Amazon. With my Prime shipping, they came from a New Hampshire warehouse in about eighteen hours.
Alas, I ordered the second book in the Hex Hall trilogy instead of the third. And because I'm a "valued customer" I don't have to return it to get a refund.
*sighs at spare copy of Demonglass*
4. I have a job for the summer! I'll be working as a job coach for teens with disabilities doing internships sponsored by the Boston Center for Independent Living. Actual teens!
At least, I will if we ever find a roommate and get to keep the apartment. *wibble*
5. I reread The Name of the Star, finishing it yesterday. So. Good. And the teaser line on the next book is about Bedlam. Maureen Johnson writing about ghosts, you guys. Crazy ghosts! What more do we want in the world??